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Bubba the Love Sponge Listening Thread September 4-7, 2012

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  • Originally posted by mynameisPORTER View Post
    Special, bane?! No, sir, "THE Shit". That's what I am.
    Check the N.E.R.D. song "....'cause I'm The Shit...."
    musk, I go WAAAAAAY back before that and apparently, according to the Blind'un, right up to a couple of days after.... WAIT FOR IT!......I forget, damn it!
    Hey Blind Lawrence, When was I on b's show, again? I forget!
    (I have also sat in for other drive time shows there in Tampa, musky one, under different names)
    It was in 2010, I remember that, musky one
    alright fuckstick - lets clear the air

    no one here gives a rats ass how long you've been listening or claim to be a fan. Your level of fandom now is what matters.

    next - if you're gonna tell MY users what they are - expect to be told exactly what you are - and by the looks of your posts - you're someone who should be on meds and needs a fucking spelling L.E.S.S.O.N

    sheesus fuck I've seen illiterate apes make more sense then you


    • Originally posted by mynameisPORTER View Post
      Oh, I'm a real good listener, kennie, a PROFESSIONAL one at that.
      Which is exactly why I am the THE definative radio savant that I am.
      And YOU, sir, are just that - JUST a listener.

      "Content Provider" "Counter-Programmer" "Fucking Genius"
      All apply to ME.
      b put me on thousands of CDs and put me on countless replays and had me in the studio after 11 years of contributions because I 'suck' - and #1 rated shows in Top 20 markets are ALWAYS doing THAT, RIGHT??!
      You folks are sadder than originally hoped.
      his name is Ken Masters - learn it, know it, respect it and don't fucking call him kenny, cuntface

      no one cares if you're on cd's - hey guess what - so is lawrence.. so are some of our members - WHOOP DE DOO

      pull your head out of your asshole - you are not special, unless by special you mean needs a retard helmet


      • Originally posted by mynameisPORTER View Post
        Oh, I'm a real good listener, kennie, a PROFESSIONAL one at that.
        Which is exactly why I am the THE definative radio savant that I am.
        And YOU, sir, are just that - JUST a listener.

        "Content Provider" "Counter-Programmer" "Fucking Genius"
        All apply to ME.
        b put me on thousands of CDs and put me on countless replays and had me in the studio after 11 years of contributions because I 'suck' - and #1 rated shows in Top 20 markets are ALWAYS doing THAT, RIGHT??!
        You folks are sadder than originally hoped.
        also genius - it's "definitive"

        fucking idiot


        • Holy wind talking Batman.
          Member, National Sarcasm Society. Like we need your support.


          • First of all, there are NO spelling errors OR grammatical ones for that matter in the quote you posted.
            SECONDLY, I didn't write 'kenny' - as YOU did - incorrectly, I might add, as the 'k' should be capitalized to denote a formal or proper noun.
            No! I wrote 'kennie' - lower case in-TENTION-al - as well as the 'ie' at the end. In this case, denoting the feminine gender case.
            If you are saying that the spelling of "Dubuisson's" quotation is in need of a <ahem> L.E.S.S.O.N., then you are the perfect fit there in the ba, hermano, Noooooo doubt about it!
            "I wish only to entertain, be among those who entertain and by doing so, be entertained." mynameisPORTER


            • SJ - _______ Job
              "I wish only to entertain, be among those who entertain and by doing so, be entertained." mynameisPORTER


              • you are an asshole - that is all
                Not Dead


                • OH! You did get me! I see the 'a' in (sic) 'definative', now.
                  Musta taken it from your 'sshole, dicklick.
                  (I mean, if I'm "cuntface", ya know...)
                  "I wish only to entertain, be among those who entertain and by doing so, be entertained." mynameisPORTER


                  • Hey guys what's going on? Hope everyone had a great weekend did I miss anything this...

                    Originally posted by mynameisPORTER View Post
                    OH! You did get me! I see the 'a' in (sic) 'definative', now.
                    Musta taken it from your 'sshole, dicklick.
                    (I mean, if I'm "cuntface", ya know...)


                    • Go Away
                      Not Dead


                      • Get rid of him


                        • Originally posted by ch3cooh View Post
                          Hey guys what's going on? Hope everyone had a great weekend did I miss anything this...

                          Uh...Shannon and Kim are getting married. Meet you in the Burke thread.


                          • Originally posted by ch3cooh View Post
                            Hey guys what's going on? Hope everyone had a great weekend did I miss anything this...

                            sorry dude,good weekend how was yours
                            Not Dead


                            • Hey! ba lemmings! Guess what?! b tls has a NEW product coming out to wash all that chicken(head) dip down with!
                              Yes, it's the all new: bubba's kewl-ayde! You'll want to be the first on your block(head) to drink it!
                              Comes in an assortment of flavors: "Brown Liquor Brent" "Blubberry Blubba" "Yer killin' Me MansoNed" "Egytian Jizz" and "Yyyeh".
                              Be the FIRST! Don't be the LAST!
                              Drink up, ba's! Here comes the cliff...OH NO!!!
                              "I wish only to entertain, be among those who entertain and by doing so, be entertained." mynameisPORTER


                              • nananananannananannanananannananananananannananananannanananannananananana

                                Not Dead

