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Bubba Army Radio Listening Thread (week of 9/26/2011)

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  • @ both above posts
    Originally posted by SJ
    nah milk's right.


    • It's quite possible this decision is the equivalent of shooting a mosquito on their toes with a shotgun.
      I give my vcash to Nigerian princes.


      • Good analogy IO!
        Originally posted by SJ
        nah milk's right.


        • I thought my screwed the pooch analogy was better. You missed my comedy show last night on skype. SJ came on to me.
          I give my vcash to Nigerian princes.


          • Originally posted by stumpy View Post
            I can appreciate that they want to spread the show but they sold the 3 year subs under the pretense that it would be exclusive. That's fucked up.
            Just get a few EE's together and file a class action lawsuit.

            This would be one they would win easily.


            • Make sure to file in hillsborough.
              I give my vcash to Nigerian princes.


              • Originally posted by iobane View Post
                Just think how many benny's are out there that can't afford a sub right now.
                Well if you put it that way, it'll be worth it just to see milk lose his shit.

                On a serious note though, I'm warming up to it as a business plan. I do think they need to currently worry about doing damage control with Early Enlisters and yearly subs. That caller had a good idea about Bubba Raw. Give those people that made the leap of good faith a token of goodwill.


                • Originally posted by iobane View Post
                  Make sure to file in hillsborough.
                  Wouldn't even need evidence!!
                  Originally posted by SJ
                  nah milk's right.


                  • Originally posted by Chob View Post
                    Well if you put it that way, it'll be worth it just to see milk lose his shit.

                    On a serious note though, I'm warming up to it as a business plan. I do think they need to currently worry about doing damage control with Early Enlisters and yearly subs. That caller had a good idea about Bubba Raw. Give those people that made the leap of good faith a token of goodwill.
                    And what about those of us that already have Raw as well?
                    Originally posted by SJ
                    nah milk's right.


                    • Originally posted by milkman View Post
                      And what about those of us that already have Raw as well?
                      I dunno...cancel your pay sub I guess.


                      • Milk let me try to ease it for you.
                        A lot of subscription based games have gone free to play. Meaning you aren't charged anything to play it. The 2nd largest online game in the world is free to play now and the company that runs it has semi annual tournaments for 5 million dollars top prize. It is a pretty successful business paradigm and it may work here.

                        They make money by selling extra content or premium content and that's how they fund this shit.
                        I give my vcash to Nigerian princes.


                        • Originally posted by PACanesfan View Post
                          How many people put that $300 on a charge card and are making the minimum payment per month simply because they enjoy the show? For some, $300 might as well be $3,000.
                          If you paid by credit card you can call up your credit card company and dispute the charges since your not getting the exclusive service as promised.


                          • Well, we all know now what will be every other sentence for the FM show now. Don't forget to listen to the free IO show after this!
                            Originally posted by SJ
                            nah milk's right.


                            • Originally posted by iobane View Post
                              Milk let me try to ease it for you.
                              A lot of subscription based games have gone free to play. Meaning you aren't charged anything to play it. The 2nd largest online game in the world is free to play now and the company that runs it has semi annual tournaments for 5 million dollars top prize. It is a pretty successful business paradigm and it may work here.

                              They make money by selling extra content or premium content and that's how they fund this shit.
                              That's actually a pretty damn good analogy. DC Universe Online is going free to play and they're doing the premium content thing.

                              And I can't believe we just compared MMO's to Bubba's show.


                              • Well league of legends isn't an mmo. Facebook games are just as successful and they have the same model.
                                I give my vcash to Nigerian princes.

