I think you pretty much nailed it for the most part Fish. Unfortunately there haven't been that many details on the case. I like everything you listed above, as for the odds, I would have to definitely list Bubba as the underdog going in based on what is out there already, maybe 5-1? The over/under on the million should be close to 50/50 I would think. I'm with you on the counter suit, I have no idea if it gets resolved right then and there or at a separate time, maybe someone else knows and can chime in. As for shenanigans, this is a federal case so I doubt anything will happen, but this is Bubba so you never know, so I would say maybe 100-1 odds. I want to add something along the lines of if Bubba loses this ends his career, but that's not instantaneous so a bet doesn't make sense. Great job once again though, I appreciate it
