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Bubba the Love Sponge Show Feb. 2017

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  • Stern's lawsuit made GMA this morning.


    • Aaaaand he loses me with this interview where all he's doing is crying about all the stations he's not on.
      Last edited by Cpt. Mcgillicutty; 02-16-2017, 08:31 AM.
      Originally posted by Drew Garabo
      Cpt., with full awareness of your disdain for me, I still have to say that you are making some strong points.


      • Originally posted by Cpt. Mcgillicutty View Post
        Now see, this interview with Jay Leno is really good. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
        I agree. I liked it even better the first time I heard it though. They're constantly replaying material so they have time to get high or eat their free food off air.


        • This could go all bad with ICP in studio with Lasker!

          Originally posted by SJ
          nah milk's right.


          • ICP in studio tomorrow? Sweet Jesus I hope they get to cross paths with Ladker.
            Originally posted by Drew Garabo
            Cpt., with full awareness of your disdain for me, I still have to say that you are making some strong points.


            • It must be replay Jay Leno day. Bob and Tom are doing it too.


              • As Programming Manager, I hope that Rob cancels both of Bubba's IO shows on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is the 3rd week in a row where both have been replays. Bubba wants to build up subs for IO, but refuses to produce original content for it.


                • Don't worry. That new extra content is coming in 2012


                  • If they were smart...they would secure the stream so only subscribers can hear it. Then they'd be motivated to do a show.


                    • Listeners to a free show shouldn't act so entitled.


                      • Originally posted by FishMuskys View Post
                        Listeners to a free show shouldn't act so entitled.
                        I've paid since 2011 for the service. In 6 years, this is probably the 4th time Bubba "reinvents" IO, promises he is going to do shows and then never follows through with the promise.


                        • Originally posted by roblas77 View Post
                          I've paid since 2011 for the service. In 6 years, this is probably the 4th time Bubba "reinvents" IO, promises he is going to do shows and then never follows through with the promise.
                          My biggest complaint is giving it all away for free. You and I signed up for exclusive content that we never have received. If I didn't use the download deal I'd cancel for sure.


                          • They wouldn't even mention Bubba's IO show at the end of Tues. FM show. I'm thinkin' that it's a thing of the past again. Shitty deal.


                            • I used to pay for IO back when it first started & I was pissed that it was all free later because he didn't secure the stream, when my sub was up I was done, at this point I don't really get disappointed when he backs out of his "promises" to do more & doesn't.


                              • Originally posted by FishMuskys View Post
                                They wouldn't even mention Bubba's IO show at the end of Tues. FM show. I'm thinkin' that it's a thing of the past again. Shitty deal.
                                I know this sounds weird, but I'm gonna disagree and say that he'll be back to doing shows once the BRP shit dies down, during Feb the track is his top priority.
                                Originally posted by Drew Garabo
                                Cpt., with full awareness of your disdain for me, I still have to say that you are making some strong points.

