Personally I was a huge Bubba fan going back to the Power Pig days, but in all honesty his show has really lost it's juice in the past 5 years or so. He did a piss poor job of finding (and keeping) his supporting on-air talent. I never understood why he decided to bring 25cent back, I find that watching paint dry more interesting than him. Manson/Ned has really lost his edge, so much to the point that it seemed like Manson could rarely muster an opinion of his own (unless it agreed with Bubba's) and really the humor/content of the show was so outdated. I kept trying to give him another chance, morning after morning but always found myself changing the channel. I enjoyed Shannon's short stint and knew that even Shannon knew when it was time to jump from a sinking ship. The show was/is out of gas. I think Bubba really needs to take a step back and revamp the entire show.
On a side note, while I was trying to listen to the show yesterday, I changed the channel when Manson introduced his "new song" Isis, Isis Baby. Is it just me, or has Manson/Ned re-used the Ice Ice Baby song on at least 3 other parody songs? I can't name them off the top of my head but I know there are a few. Maybe Manson could use some time off as well to work on some new material.
On a side note, while I was trying to listen to the show yesterday, I changed the channel when Manson introduced his "new song" Isis, Isis Baby. Is it just me, or has Manson/Ned re-used the Ice Ice Baby song on at least 3 other parody songs? I can't name them off the top of my head but I know there are a few. Maybe Manson could use some time off as well to work on some new material.