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Jason Ellis !

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Silent Jesus View Post
    how you gonna like ellis with twice the commercial breaks? Sirius management forcing shit on him (which they don't now cause he's just a jobber on a music station)
    Ellis sells more merch then bubba and shills 2x as hard..... good luck with that...

    also - who got punched by "pink" again? ohhh yeah Ellis did... isn't Pink a girly? oh right she is...

    Ellis sells more merch than Blubber ?


    • #17
      Originally posted by hanky View Post
      Ellis sells more merch than Blubber ?
      fuck year he does

      how much are ellismania tickets? how much of a cut you think he gets from sales?

      how many free ellismania's you get in the rollerblading championships home town?

      nothin about pink eh? don't wanna own up to that one?


      • #18
        Originally posted by hanky View Post
        gay like getting bitch slapped by a woman wrassler and sueing other radio shows ? Face it Blubber is a carnie with a radio show. There was a time when he was decent but that time has passed and his army has forsaken him , fake tickets , in some capacity , blowing Hootie every chance he gets and shilling shitty merch after a 10 minute intro has worn out his welcome at sirius . This time he can't call on his army to help in contract negotiations .Ellis is the future and Tampa Bay yuk yuk morning zoo shit is on the way out .
        gay like getting bitch slapped by a woman wrassler
        No like letting another guy grab your cock and shove candy in it !!!!!I noticed how you glossed right over this fact.

        .Ellis is the future
        Future of what out-Q radio ? He can do a show where dudes shove candy in his cock
        and he reports how it feels. Candy cock time with jason ellis sponsored by jolly rancher...
        Try me


        • #19
          Originally posted by Silent Jesus View Post
          fuck year he does

          how much are ellismania tickets? how much of a cut you think he gets from sales?

          how many free ellismania's you get in the rollerblading championships home town?

          nothin about pink eh? don't wanna own up to that one?
          he let pink punch him , Blubber was bitch slapped , more comercials bring them on i can ffw them . Content is what matters and Wrasslin ,Racing and the Birthday announcements are not great content . Bitching about Mj and Clear channel not great either .


          • #20
            I will save my next post here for when Blubber is not signed in 9 months and stuck on Florida Fm .


            • #21
              nany nany boo boo !


              • #22
                Originally posted by hanky View Post
                he let pink punch him , Blubber was bitch slapped , more comercials bring them on i can ffw them . Content is what matters and Wrasslin ,Racing and the Birthday announcements are not great content . Bitching about Mj and Clear channel not great either .
                wait wait

                pump the brakes - you just admitted you BELIEVE fake wrasslin...

                you really believe that story?

                also - that's the FM pushing the birthday thing... if Ellis if forced to FM, you'll be hearing about birthdays too


                • #23
                  Originally posted by hanky View Post
                  I will save my next post here for when Blubber is not signed in 9 months and stuck on Florida Fm .
                  well in that case I'll save mine for when Ellis is pumping my gas and telling me bout when he was the "future" of a dying media format

                  good goals there dinosaur


                  • #24
                    NED DRAGONS DOUCHE BAG!!!
                    Try me


                    • #25
                      Why is an Ellis "fan" spending so much time marking out on a Bubba forum???

                      Oh, your other "fan" friends must have got tired of you and pitched you by the wayside!! Not even douches can tolerate you!!
                      Originally posted by SJ
                      nah milk's right.


                      • #26
                        darkside set him right and he is a decent poster over there now. he needed an outlet for his bubba hate
                        Originally posted by Slack Jack
                        i love shoving cock in my ass as hard as i fucking can over and over then swallow the shit covered cum load


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by simon482 View Post
                          darkside set him right and he is a decent poster over there now. he needed an outlet for his bubba hate
                          why would anyone take radio serious enough to hate something?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Silent Jesus View Post
                            why would anyone take radio serious enough to hate something?
                            that's hanky
                            Originally posted by Slack Jack
                            i love shoving cock in my ass as hard as i fucking can over and over then swallow the shit covered cum load


                            • #29
                              Last edited by hanky; 03-04-2010, 10:37 AM.


                              • #30
                                do a google news search on bubba, then ellis

                                bubba comes up a fuckton - especially after this kong thing

                                ellis's biggest mention involves the jonas brothers or some band that he had fight at wrestlemania...

                                shit that's not it - what's he call that thing he does?

