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The Diacos Radio Listening Thread Sept. 2013

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  • Fuck that..that nerve gas shit is a painful death. First it attacks ur respiratory, then ur nervous system until you basically just overload and meltdown. Fuck that..shoot me in the head.
    Originally posted by SJ
    nah milk's right.


    • America to me, in a word, is Proud.

      I'm proud to have the ability to have friends, family and the best possible protection for what is ours. Today, I felt the proudest when 5 fighter jets were conducting drills and really putting on a show while buzzing the highway I was on. Proud to know that those guys and gals are what is protecting our freedoms.

      I'm proud to have the ability to affect many people with my thoughts while absorbing theirs. Everyday, we are allowed to engage in conversations without repercussions from our Govt. for our thoughts.

      There are alot of freedoms that are slowly disappearing from us. I think you guys described them well. That being said...We will never lose out freedom to be happy, fun-loving, caring "individuals". That's what really matters...Be a good individual that takes care of other people.

      Most of all...I'm just proud to be an American!


      • I had more thoughts but my drink is empty.


        • We're hearin' it!


          • Tune in app


            • Well, what it means to be an American sure has changed. It used to be something to be proud we are just overrun with fuckin leeches that suck all of us dry...America won't be for much longer. Going down the shitter fast, and I don't see a way for the shitter to stop circlin!
              Originally posted by SJ
              nah milk's right.


              • Mayweather goes down tko in the tenth.


                • Originally posted by milkman View Post
                  Well, what it means to be an American sure has changed. It used to be something to be proud we are just overrun with fuckin leeches that suck all of us dry...America won't be for much longer. Going down the shitter fast, and I don't see a way for the shitter to stop circlin!
                  You gotta call. That'd be funny shit to hear you cuttin' a promo. Maybe I should call in with my rah, rah bullshit and you be the next caller with that! Fuckin' Gold!
                  Last edited by FishMuskys; 09-11-2013, 06:09 PM.


                  • Milks anti-america


                    • Originally posted by Mr Sinister View Post
                      Milks anti-america
                      I'm thinkin' about shippin' him up to live with SJ. hee heeee


                      • Then he would just bitch about there queen or what ever the hell it is canader has


                        • Practice was canceled
                          But nobody said anything until I was already up there
                          Originally posted by Drew Garabo
                          Cpt., with full awareness of your disdain for me, I still have to say that you are making some strong points.


                          • Yo Sin..wait til you get older and see how far shit has regressed since you were a kid. You will feel the same. Or not..maybe you love the low lifes that live off of us like leeches..bleeding us dry and breeding like fuckin roaches!

                            Originally posted by SJ
                            nah milk's right.


                            • should have taken a few shots on net for good luck.


                              • Americans are weird.

                                Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning.

