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Bubba the Sponge Listening Thread August 26-30, 2013

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  • Originally posted by Dan Blaze View Post
    You guys ever think Manson gets tired of saying "nigga" every time they do an io show just to amuse Bubba?
    no cause he's as racist as bubba or else he wouldn't do it


    • Originally posted by FishMuskys View Post
      There isn't a lawyer there dumbass. Try Kevin tonight.
      fish we said we were going to call shows people listen to

      alright I've had enough fun...


      • Originally posted by SJ View Post
        no cause he's as racist as bubba or else he wouldn't do it

        you say that like it's a bad thing


        • Originally posted by SJ View Post
          fish we said we were going to call shows people listen to

          alright I've had enough fun...
          Good one!


          • I don't think it is somehow "racist" or anything, just really shitty taste and was dumb after the first 30 times they did it.

            Though at least the Biggie song is better than that AC/DC bullshit... (and I say that as someone who doesn't mind AC/DC)


            • Why the fuck do they call it the "Diaco's" when there's only one Diaco on?
              Originally posted by SJ
              I say stupid shit


              • Of course, you can't say anything about this president or his policies or you are a racist. Ridiculous!
                Originally posted by SJ
                nah milk's right.


                • So the guy wore an Obama mask and somehow that was worth throwing a shitfit over?


                  • Originally posted by Chob View Post
                    So the guy wore an Obama mask and somehow that was worth throwing a shitfit over?
                    Yeah didn't you get the memo? If you disagree with Obama you are a racist. If you dislike him for any reason you are a racist. In fact, by reading this, you're probably racist.

                    edit: Which is funny because this guy doesn't seem to care about Obama either way, was just doing his gimmick


                    • Originally posted by Chob View Post
                      So the guy wore an Obama mask and somehow that was worth throwing a shitfit over?
                      Fuck Chob, the NAACP wanted the Secret Service and FBI to investigate it as a fuckin hate crime, total ridiculousness.
                      Originally posted by SJ
                      nah milk's right.


                      • Originally posted by Ace View Post
                        Why the fuck do they call it the "Diaco's" when there's only one Diaco on?
                        Now you're just being a dick.


                        • Zimmerman is suing the state for his defense costs

                          which are less then bubba's

                          what the fuck


                          • Originally posted by SJ View Post
                            Zimmerman is suing the state for his defense costs

                            which are less then bubba's

                            what the fuck
                            Way lower catering budget


                            • Originally posted by milkman View Post
                              Fuck Chob, the NAACP wanted the Secret Service and FBI to investigate it as a fuckin hate crime, total ridiculousness.
                              Yep. They were gonna fuck up his world.


                              • Originally posted by FishMuskys View Post
                                Now you're just being a dick.
                                I have to actually agree with Ace here and I'm not just piling on

                                I actually just had to google his name to make sure it wasn't spelled diacos

                                It does make no sense and I've often wondered if I should address him as Dan Diaco or Diacos... people are dumb and lazy like me.. we just assume shit

