Well I guess with it coming to light that cox has indeed shut down international streaming
(lol canada isn't international you gigantic fucking faggots)
It's become painfully obvious to me that Cox is broke and will be tits up.
If you can't afford the bandwidth to operate a fucking internet stream, your days are numbered in radio.
Most of the people that are listening to your programming - are doing so on their phones and computers. Even half the people from this board that LIVE in florida, still listen online and not through computer.
You want more evidence they're going broke? How come they didn't re-sign a certain someone that I don't want to drag into this.
Here's some more food for thought. You can't block us from facebook and you can't stop us from speaking our minds all over your social media. Expect us.
I also encourage everyone to turn off their FM radios and turn on their streams, what are they going to do? Block America?
(lol canada isn't international you gigantic fucking faggots)
It's become painfully obvious to me that Cox is broke and will be tits up.
If you can't afford the bandwidth to operate a fucking internet stream, your days are numbered in radio.
Most of the people that are listening to your programming - are doing so on their phones and computers. Even half the people from this board that LIVE in florida, still listen online and not through computer.
You want more evidence they're going broke? How come they didn't re-sign a certain someone that I don't want to drag into this.
Here's some more food for thought. You can't block us from facebook and you can't stop us from speaking our minds all over your social media. Expect us.
I also encourage everyone to turn off their FM radios and turn on their streams, what are they going to do? Block America?
