Originally posted by FishMuskys
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Spice Show Listening Thread April 8-12, 2013
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Obama extends Patriot Act without reform
Signs NDAA 2011 (and 2012, and 2013)
Appeals the Federal Court decision that “indefinite detention” is unconstitutional http://www.activistpost.com/2013/02/...of-rights.html
Double-taps a 16-year-old American-born US citizen living in Yemen, weeks after the boy's father was killed. Administration's rationale? He "should have [had] a far more responsible father"
Continues to approve drone strikes that kill thousands of innocent civilians including women and children in Pakistan, Yemen, and other countries that do not want the US intervening; meanwhile, according to the Brookings Institute's Daniel Byman, we are killing 10 civilians for every one mid- to high- level Al Qaeda/Taliban operative. This is particularly disturbing, since now any military-aged male in a strike zone is now officially considered an enemy combatant
Protects Bush’s war crimes as State Secrets http://www.salon.com/2010/09/08/obama_138/
Waives sections of a law meant to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers in Africa in order to deepen military relationship with countries that have poor human rights records
Appoints Monsanto, GMO company with multiple unsafe practice violations, lobbyist to head the FDA
DOJ raids marijuana dispensaries that are now legal pursuant state law [ame="http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=685_1342311527"]LiveLeak.com - Obama proven to lie about wasteful DEA dispensary raids in legalized marijuana states[/ame]
Obama protects AG Holder from Congressional “Fast and Furious” gun walking investigations
Brings no criminal charges against bank executives that misused bailouts
Engages in a war on whistleblowers
The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news publication providing its audience with original reporting, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news.
Grants immunity to CIA torturers
Quadruples Bush's warrantless wiretapping program
Allows innocent man to die at gitmo
Increases Drug War budget
Supports intrusive TSA pat-downs and body scans
Says it’s legal to track individuals by pinpointing their cellphone without warrant http://www.businessinsider.com/gover...phones-2012-10
Renews FISA and NSA’s unregulated spying and banking of all wireless communication
http://www.democracynow.org/2012/4/2...sa_is_lying_us Appeals SCOTUS ruling that warrantless installation of tracking devices on cars is unconstitutional - [23]
DOJ overzealously prosecutes [read: persecutes] activist Aaron Swartz, ultimately leading to his suicide in the face of trumped-up charges brought forth to silence his movement for open information
Obama nominates JP Morgan defense lawyer to head the SEC, the regulatory agency in charge of keeping Wall Street in line
Picks Goldman Sachs partner Bruce Heyman—who, along with his wife, raised $1 million for Obama—as an ambassador to Canada http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/stor...ada-obama.html
Thanks, Obama