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KSC Atlantis Arrives At Its New Home

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  • #3
    One last thing a little off topic, but why is the name of the board King Bubba? For apparent reason it pains me to come on here, but it just shows how much I like you guys. Thanks all for being cool with me even though there's a rumor going around that I'm a pill head addict. But don't tell anyone for the love of god. It may ruin my reputation.


    • #4
      Originally posted by Tuddle View Post
      One last thing a little off topic, but why is the name of the board King Bubba? For apparent reason it pains me to come on here, but it just shows how much I like you guys. Thanks all for being cool with me even though there's a rumor going around that I'm a pill head addict. But don't tell anyone for the love of god. It may ruin my reputation.
      the name stems from a bit they did on bubba's show and a photoshop of bubba as king ralph. We wanted a short url that was easy to remember and that name just stuck.

      How can you be a pill head when you've said a bunch of times you are off your meds? Wouldn't a pill head have to actually be on pills?


      • #5
        cool photo's too btw.

        I always wondered how well that space ship was decontaminated. Aren't they supposed to gather radiation and other unknown particles or something?


        • #6
          Originally posted by SJ View Post
          the name stems from a bit they did on bubba's show and a photoshop of bubba as king ralph. We wanted a short url that was easy to remember and that name just stuck.

          How can you be a pill head when you've said a bunch of times you are off your meds? Wouldn't a pill head have to actually be on pills?
          You would think but some people who I won't name, I'm sure you can figure it out is more then happy to tell everyone I am. But you are a logical thinking person.


          • #7
            I always wanted to go to a space shuttle launch, guess its too late now. Is it going into some kind of museum?

            Speaking of meds I'm a nervous wreck if I run out of Luvox so I kinda understand how you might feel. I'm not as bad as the girl who called Spice last night, I can leave the house but if I'm off my meds and I'm around a large group of people I freak out. Too many people look down on those who need medication as being weak or weird.

            I wasn't around when the board started but I don't think there were many shows worth listening to other than Bubba and Howard back then. Its pretty crazy how many good shows are on now, or maybe I just didn't search them out or was close minded to anything that wasn't Howard or Bubba. Bubba is probably my least favorite of all the show I listen to now
            Last edited by PissJug; 11-02-2012, 05:40 PM.


            • #8
              Originally posted by Tuddle View Post
              You would think but some people who I won't name, I'm sure you can figure it out is more then happy to tell everyone I am. But you are a logical thinking person.
              I wouldn't exactly say I'm the most logical thinking person - my logic is deeply flawed

              but I don't think you're a pill head. Some people need medications to level them out.

              The connection issue shouldn't be a problem this time around. Spaz has new internets so as long as you're either on a real computer or your in a good cell reception area we should be ok.


              • #9
                Originally posted by Tuddle View Post
                One last thing a little off topic, but why is the name of the board King Bubba? For apparent reason it pains me to come on here, but it just shows how much I like you guys. Thanks all for being cool with me even though there's a rumor going around that I'm a pill head addict. But don't tell anyone for the love of god. It may ruin my reputation.
                The running gag SJ is referring to is when Manson would poke fun at Bubba's demands and orders he'd throw out on the show and do it in voice like that of a king, most often "bring me ___" and that something would change depend based on the situation.

                Someone was using that name on a test board and at the time I was struggling to come up with a catchy name for the site since everything else I came up with sucked and I didn't want to do something derivative of another site, so how I remember it is saying "why not make that the site name?"

                But it has been three years so things might have gone down differently.


                • #10
                  I just realized I replied to another thread in this thread


