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Shannon Burke on the BTLS Show?!?!

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  • Shannon Burke on the BTLS Show?!?!

    Today on the DD show bubba let it out that he's considering having Shannon Burke join the FM show...




    I'm hoping it works out (if it happens) but I'm worried that Shannons own show dynamic might change... you know what they say, if it ain't broke...

    Going to be some long days for shannon if he does it.

  • #2
    I could see them doing a 6-10 fm, 10-11 uncensored, shannon takes a break during DD and like 12-3 would be shannon's show w/ rick and colin (and tuddle).


    • #3
      My initial thoughts are that while it would suck to lose any or all of Shannon's show in the afternoon, Bubba and Burke have amazing chemistry and if Shannon came on board it's one of the best moves Bubba could make. Bubba needs someone experienced on air that he respects as an equal. In my opinion him constantly throwing 25 and Tara's inexperience in their faces got old and anyone equally as inexperienced would have to put up with the same thing. A lot of people feel the show is missing something, especially on FM, and adding Shannon would be a huge move in the right direction in my opinion.

      And while everyone thinks it would be terrible for IO, I think it just might lead more people to check out Shannon's own show if they recognize him from Bubba's FM show and in turn it could lead more people to check out IO. And this might be a great move publicity wise because Shannon has a reputation and a name people recognize, whether it's for a good reason or not, and it'll get people talking. Recent arrangements haven't "clicked" and this might be the formula Bubba has been looking for.

      As for Shannon's show, maybe get rid of the Debriefing and move his show up a few hours. Or make the Debriefing inclusive of both shows and have it on after Shannon's show. The schedule is malleable in that respect on radioIO and there's a lot of opportunities to shake things up. And then maybe move Ledge and the specialty shows up a few hours, find someone new, etc. The possibilities are endless.

      Shannon did reply to me personally once when I asked if he could do two shows a day, and he said he was up for it. I guess we might see if he's up to the challenge after all.

      Just whatever they do, I hope they don't forget about poor Colin.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dan Blaze View Post
        I could see them doing a 6-10 fm, 10-11 uncensored, shannon takes a break during DD and like 12-3 would be shannon's show w/ rick and colin (and tuddle).
        he's on with drew till 12 though (tuddle) and he'd have to finish all his work at the bone and drive over to the other studio...


        • #5
          I was joking (mostly) SJ, I know he's busy with Drew.


          • #6
            I think it could be all bad bubbas recent behavior is not right or normal,all we need is for him to piss of burke,or wear him out to where his show starts sucking,then IO will have nothing at all but the diocos,they do have a good flow together but bubba wont let anybody be his equal,IMHO it will just end bad.
            Not Dead


            • #7
              Originally posted by NeTaS View Post
              I think it could be all bad bubbas recent behavior is not right or normal,all we need is for him to piss of burke,or wear him out to where his show starts sucking,then IO will have nothing at all but the diocos,they do have a good flow together but bubba wont let anybody be his equal,IMHO it will just end bad.
              yeah.. two hosts.... one show...

              I dunno.. it seems like a recipe for butthurt


              • #8
                Bubba badly needs someone that will stand their ground with him like Spice did. 25 was able to do it but Bubba shut him right the fuck down.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by NeTaS View Post
                  I think it could be all bad bubbas recent behavior is not right or normal,all we need is for him to piss of burke,or wear him out to where his show starts sucking,then IO will have nothing at all but the diocos,they do have a good flow together but bubba wont let anybody be his equal,IMHO it will just end bad.
                  The fuck?


                  • #10
                    The Diacos Rule


                    • #11
                      wondering if this is really gonna happen or just be like bubba3 and the icp channel

                      wasn't phil hendrie supposed to be letting bubba have access to his archive or something too? I remember bubba hinting that he was trying to get something done with phil


                      • #12
                        Bubba blabs about shit that's nowhere near being done. The I.C.P channel situation was explained by Spice. Bubba did mention Bubba Three today so it's still planned. I'd be very surprised if they didn't at least have him on a trial basis.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Chob View Post
                          Bubba blabs about shit that's nowhere near being done. The I.C.P channel situation was explained by Spice. Bubba did mention Bubba Three today so it's still planned. I'd be very surprised if they didn't at least have him on a trial basis.
                          he mentioned it today?

                          that's kinda weird

