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  • Archlinux+Lxde+Compiz

    [ame=""]YouTube - Archlinux+Lxde+Compiz[/ame]

    I've never heard of ArchLinux (the distro), but someone posted this on another board and I am SOOOO jealous!
    I have to figure out how to get some of this.

    after I solve my audio problems (but that is another subject)

  • #2
    Originally posted by kali View Post
    YouTube - Archlinux+Lxde+Compiz

    I've never heard of ArchLinux (the distro), but someone posted this on another board and I am SOOOO jealous!
    I have to figure out how to get some of this.

    after I solve my audio problems (but that is another subject)
    I've heard of it - I have a desktop for it somewhere...

    though I've never read up on what the differences are in that distribution.

    Visually it looks great - but I wonder how powerful a system you need for it.


    • #3
      Compiz is cool but you definitely need a decent video card to run it proper,and Linux don't play well with AMD vid cards,the cube that compiz uses with virtual desktops is cool too,I have found way's to do just about all of this stuff with windows 7,virtual desktops dark windows themes,even the desktop cube effect can be had on windows.

      Since I replied to this post I found ultimate edition it is a fork of ubuntu,man what a slick OS has compiz running right out of the box and all configured to work for you,I also managed to get catalyst control center for my AMD video card makes it so much nicer to work with screen res and the like and there is even software to install windows wireless drivers witch after some fusing around fixed the only issues I had with the OS,I must say it is easily the best compiled Linix distro I have found to this point
      Last edited by NeTaS; 04-30-2012, 12:34 PM.
      Not Dead

