Another couple of good six man tags, featuring Kushida and Tajiri: [ame][/ame] and [ame][/ame]
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The Wrestling Video Thread.
Originally posted by SJ View Postthat's some of the funniest and most disturbing shit I've heard
By the way, going back to the earlier Kaufman stuff I posted, this is probably my all time favorite "wrestling" video. Andy Kaufman did an interview with Freddie Blassie, called "My Breakfast With Blassie". Now, on its face Andy just loved Blassie. The brilliance of this video is that it's actually a commentary on modern philosophy and "intellectuals", if that makes sense.
See, this is a parody of an art film that critics love to hold up as brilliant, My Dinner With Andre. Siskel and Ebert even called it film of the year. The thing is, if you watch it, it is (in Andy's opinion at least) a bunch of pretentious bullshit sold to people who want to think they're smarter than they are so they can feel validated. In other words, it's a work. If you remember what Jerry Lawler told Stone Cold about Andy, it was that he never considered himself a comedian or an actor, he was a performer who never broke kayfabe in order to get a reaction.
So anyway, I think this film is about as philosophical as wrestling gets, and it doesn't get credit for being as brilliant as it is. [ame][/ame]
In honor of that guy being pissed about GFW and NJPW, I'd like to post my favorite match from the old WCW/NJPW crossovers. This is from NJPW/WCW Supershow III, in 1993.Here is part 1 of the Great Muta vs. Masahiro Chono from NJPW/WCW Supershow III(3). From January 4th, 1993. This was a title vs. title match where Muta held the IWGP Title and Masahiro held the NWA title.
EDIT: By the way, Stone Cold picked this as his match of the week in one of his early podcasts.Last edited by TelegramSam; 09-30-2014, 12:39 AM.