Originally posted by TelegramSam
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SJ, I was thinking more about that Vader interview. One of the things he brought up was that he thought WCW would have been better off in the long run had they never brought in Hogan and turned it into a more WWE-like product. Looking back, they did have a great stable with him, Sting, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, etc. Then again, I don't know that they would have ever hit NWO era-like numbers with those guys. Interesting to consider, though.
I can't remember if I ever linked this, but just a heads up, here is the official NJPW Youtube Channel (almost all in Japanese): http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWHkw0DdTCtbMpzeUkqtGRA
Originally posted by TelegramSam View PostSJ, I was thinking more about that Vader interview. One of the things he brought up was that he thought WCW would have been better off in the long run had they never brought in Hogan and turned it into a more WWE-like product. Looking back, they did have a great stable with him, Sting, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, etc. Then again, I don't know that they would have ever hit NWO era-like numbers with those guys. Interesting to consider, though.
We used to get those old early 90's wcw shows and it just seemed like the good young guys got picked up by wwf and the old washups went back to the minors aka wcw...
so looking back, I dunno how the general public aka a casual fan (not a smark) would have reacted to the wcw copying the wwe.
The other thing is - you wouldn't have had the attitude era at all. I mean it would have just stayed the cartoony bullshit for kids and you'd have 2x that if wcw followed suit.
I think wcw taking hogan was a good move for the industry in the long run. It opened the eyes to the higher ups that it wasn't just for kids and kids didn't spend as much money as a 20+COD
Originally posted by SJ View Postsee back when I was younger, I didn't know wcw was another "promotion" so much as a minor leagues for the wwf
We used to get those old early 90's wcw shows and it just seemed like the good young guys got picked up by wwf and the old washups went back to the minors aka wcw...
so looking back, I dunno how the general public aka a casual fan (not a smark) would have reacted to the wcw copying the wwe.
The other thing is - you wouldn't have had the attitude era at all. I mean it would have just stayed the cartoony bullshit for kids and you'd have 2x that if wcw followed suit.
I think wcw taking hogan was a good move for the industry in the long run. It opened the eyes to the higher ups that it wasn't just for kids and kids didn't spend as much money as a 20+
Also, just talking about WCW, I think a lot of people in the US felt the same way you did. It really depends on where you're from, I think if you grew up with the NWA and old school Starrcade you saw them as an equal promotion. If you were from Vince Sr.'s old territory, or anywhere that only got wrestling via cable (and not OTA), you saw WCW as this weird minor league promotion. I remember Abe Kanan saying on his show (I listened a few times) that he was in that boat, but would get NWA/WCW VHS tapes at the video store. To him, it was this weird minor league thing he'd never heard of, so I get where you're coming from with that.
Originally posted by TelegramSam View PostI'm with you on that SJ, I just wanted to mention that I didn't clarify what Vader said very well. Basically, what he was saying is this: WCW should have kept developing their stable of guys pre-Hogan and Bischoff (Vader, Sting, Flair, Sid Vicious, etc.) and keep going with that more traditional, rasslin' style show. That would have let WWE keep doing the cartoony, image oriented stuff that wasn't focused on mechanics or athleticism (which he shits on Hogan for exemplifying), he wasn't saying that WCW should become like the WWE in that regard. You are right about his opinion of the Attitude era stuff though, he's really big on a Japanese shoot style of wrestling (even with cartoony stuff). I hope that made sense. The later half of that interview is pretty interesting though, definitely worth another watch.
they DID keep developing a lot of that talentThink about it this way - Only vader got the shaft there... Sting.. HUGE. Flair - Space fucking mountain. Sid - broke his leg... so he doesn't factor in and really sid wasn't too far off from hogan in ability
WCW didn't drop a lot of guys either. Mainly the roster just grew. I think back in the heyday both companies had between 50 and 80 guys or something crazy. It was WAY overpopulated really in both companies.COD
problem with wcw is the leadership kept changing and they just added too many guys and it got out of control...
if they could erase the last year (or maybe two) of wcw, they probably could have saved it. They should have stepped in and dissolved all "factions"
Sleazy E should have double crossed the NWO's, gone back to being the corporate stooge and re-focus the writing but russo came in and ugh... JJ had his hand in the cookie jar and Kevin Nash fucked things up pretty good before that booking wise. The goldberg thing was bullshit. I know he takes a lot of heat, but fuck it - he had HUGE momentum. You don't fuck with that and they did and blew having their new angle being just everyone trying to take down goldberg...COD