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The Walking Thread: Season 4 Edition

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Chob View Post
    I still think they might swerve us.
    If that swerve is him turning Hollywood on us and Rick coming down from the rafters with a baseball bat I'm all for it. Otherwise I'm not really sure I give a fuck what their swerve would be

    For a show that managed to pull off a character like Michonne properly it is awesome to watch them fumble around with others like the Governor


    • #92
      Great now I want a picture of the Governor playing air guitar on a title belt. Where is Sin when I need him!?


      • #93
        Originally posted by Dan Blaze View Post
        This was another pathetic waste of time of an episode. If it wasn't for so many people I know watching this and the love of the source material I've gotten from reading the comics over the years I would have given up on this show during the first season. At this point I'm just over it.

        They keep shoehorning moments from the comics in with other characters as some sort of weird attempt to make people who read them care (or at least that is what it seems like), but it isn't working anymore. At this point if they are going to do another one of these time waster episodes I'm out until Carl and Rick start fucking shit up again.

        While everyone in the show is killable and there aren't any real "main characters" the main guys RIGHT NOW are Rick and Carl at this point, it just seems like the people making the show don't fucking realize that and won't until they've wasted another season or two on getting mopey Daryl some fucking old geriatric pussy.

        I like the guy and all but fuck, he's not the best character remotely, there is a reason they never followed through with the plans to put him in the comic...

        After having a great scene recently where Rick and Carl got together and showed they were good for something again having another one of these filler bullshit eps really just stood out as fucking lame.

        I mean I totally get it, they have to stretch it for 16 eps and they are doing the cut off soon here first week of december, but give me a fucking break. I don't need little house on the fucking undead prairie with everyone's favorite asshole WHO SHOULD BE DEAD BY NOW.
        they're going to spin the show off into another series.


        • #94
          Originally posted by SJ View Post
          they're going to spin the show off into another series.
          Yea, just like they said they were going to do with saul. AMC is so far up their own ass they don't even know what to do with the good properties they've got. TWD is a perfect example, they want to do a spinoff after the show fucking fought tooth and nail for funding season after season despite being a massive hit for the network.

          Even if they do end up doing it, it is an awful fucking idea and a terrible characterset to do it with. What now, the one eyed pirate and his band of girlies? Oh sign me the fuck up


          • #95
            best episode EVAR

            I don't even care who shot JR right now


            • #96
              Yeah. I don't see that spinoff happening.


              • #97
                Walker riot shield.


                • #98
                  Don't you hate when walkers just crash the party?


                  • #99
                    that was the most intense episode

                    good shit yo

                    damn there was a lot of bad ass crammed into that one


                    • I wish "feels" would die.


                      • so those dumb fucking kids just left the infant alone?


                        • yep


                          • also maggy and her sister were both at the prison yet can't find each other afterwards?


                            • lost count how many people died in this one.


                              • why are all these bitches crying about hershel? he isn't really dead.

