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GTA V Thread
ok so I got a free adder
would have had the hot knife too but it wouldn't work cause I don't have the pack
here's what happened
I loaded in some other guys garage
I then realized they were MY cars now. so I took em out for a drive... ended up blowing up the adder.
so I called the insurance - it listed my dune buggy AND the adder
so I left it and didn't respawn it
I then drove around in the guys hotnife... it wouldn't let me back in the garage - I got out and went in and my garage cars were back to normal
so then I called the insurance up from OUTSIDE my garage so the car respawns inside... it worked. I left online and came back and now presto chango I have a fully fully supped up adder (I got the achievement for it) for free
A friend
The ability to understand my tutorials (recommended)
Spawn location must be set to last location
Text Tut:
Step 1: Go into an online session and make sure the vehicle you want to dupe is your personal vehicle.
Step 2: Leave Gta online and start up a new invite only session
Step 3: DO NOT TOUCH your vehicle, instead stand near it and invite your friend and get him to stand near it aswell.
Step 4: Go to the gamestore ( this will give host to your friend)
Step 5: Get your friend to invite you back to the game.
Step 6: You should now see the duplicate and see your personal vehicle on the minimap
Step 7: Edit: To see if It works or not get the original owner of the car to enter it first
Step 8: Idk do what ever you want, you already duplicated lol.
lets try this
Notes: When you create the invite only session, you and your friend must absolutely not touch the vehicle, the vehicle also has to spawn in on the side of the road or parking spot.
If your vehicle is the wrong one or not parked there, then go back to an online session and park your vehicle outside some where and then go into your apartment and then start up a new session and make sure your vehicle spawns outside on the road or parking spot
In your garage have your friend sit in the car you want to dupe for them. Get in and drive out. As soon as it goes from black cut scene to where you can see the street press start. Go to xbox store very quickly. The passenger will switch to driver seat and should quickly reverse back into there garage. Duped....I have tested and works 100%. Do not spam the start button, just press it one time as soon as the cut scene changes. .
New way to money glitch you have to swap fast if you don't you lose the car. Take the car to pay and spray, get out next to it go to story mode. Next start solo session take your car in sell/ swap repeat. But you have to do it fast if your slow it sells. Source tons of videos on YouTube labeled new money glitch after 1.06 patch!I'm not here to start shit, btw where is that dick SJ?