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GTA V Thread

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  • Pisses me off how much cheaper some car mods are in storymode


    • storymode is too quick...

      I feel like I could finish that game in a weekend if I tried. I don't like that.

      It took forever for finish the old ones


      • uh

        they added crate drops to the game

        random crates?


        • Originally posted by SJ View Post

          they added crate drops to the game

          random crates?
          Crates of food for the survivors of the apocalypse, duh.

          Just got done flying around in a helicopter for a bit hitting up stores, only ended when I couldn't get away from the cops as I started getting 4 stars instantly when I was shooting the storekeepers instead of 3. I think if you go on a "spree" they start getting "wise" to it. Still netted 6k and had fun learning how to use the helicopters a bit better


          • So I'm being told we should do Lester's missions. Apparently there is a fucking jet heist mission. I think we could have some real fucking fun with that


            • Here is the most expensive apartment in the game, same floor layout as the 200k ones apparently but pretty badass.

              [ame=""]GTA: Online - Showcasing the Most Expensive Property - YouTube[/ame]


              • A fan of Grand Theft Auto Online (GTA) has revealed an in-game method of boosting a player's cash reserve and RP in the popular multiplayer game.

                Rockstar, GTA developer, had discontinued the cash packs last week. Fortunately for players, a new video has demonstrated how one can earn $9000 and rank up the RP within 90 seconds by repeatedly playing a mission.

                The video states that player would need to complete the 15th mission called Violent Duct. A gamer can start a mission by eliminating the enemies, swindling drugs from a target person and reaching the destination (character named Gerlrd) via motorbike, within two minutes. After completing the mission, the gamer is rewarded with $9000 and some RP.

                The video suggests gamers to use a shotgun for better aiming. The "Easy" and "Normal" difficulty level can be used for earning money and the "Hard" level can be used for boosting the RP. The duration of the game, however, depends on the skill level of the player, according to Max Level website.
                From the site referenced:

                QUICK GUIDE:

                Required Level: 15 (Only needed for one person in group)
                Contact: Gerald (Call him for mission, delete any that is not “Violent Duct” and recall in about 2 minutes)
                Mission: Violent Duct
                Preferred Weapon: Shotgun (Easier with assisted aiming)
                Difficulty: EASY or HARD (EASY if you are trying to get money, HARD for RP bonus. NORMAL does not matter and give same rewards as EASY)
                Time: 2 minutes or less depends on skill level
                So basically if playing with one other person. have one approach left and one approach right and start blasting with shotguns. Then sweep around and kill Coke dealer. Use motorcycle to escape to the right and return to Gerald while other person takes out van.

                tried this mission out, it is really easy. 9 grand payout.
                Last edited by Dan Blaze; 10-07-2013, 12:58 PM.


                • Zombie says he lost his character, shows he is back down to lvl 3. Shit is pretty lame. Apparently if it "deletes" your guy check on the site to see if they still show up, if so don't overwrite the slot and there is a chance it will "restore".


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                    • online is all jacked again fucking thing sucks. At least the story mode is really good since the online is garbage


                      • Originally posted by Mr Sinister View Post
                        online is all jacked again fucking thing sucks. At least the story mode is really good since the online is garbage
                        Weird, I've not had any problems other than the cloud servers being down a bit since I got through the parking lot of death luckily.


                        • it froze up on me twice so far today had to exit to the home screen


                          • Hell the fuck yea, bought a beach cruiser for 800 since I couldn't find any on the beach or in the hood. Pimpin the fuck out now


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                              • they disabled mission replays on that mission, have to call up gerald to get the duct mission randomly now.. Luckily it is only a 2 minute timer

