Originally posted by kali
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Healthcare Reform
Last edited by Spaz; 09-08-2009, 04:30 PM.Try me
my understanding is that the plan is NOT to force EVERYONE to get health insureance from the governement. it's that the government will offer an alternative that people can choose if they wish.
from what I've heard germany's plan seems to work quite well - who knows, maybe it's JUST because they are german
my point about Al is that he is TALKING with people - not yelling at them. there's an attempt at communicating instead of bullying
he expects people to disagree here and there.
Originally posted by kali View Postmy understanding is that the plan is NOT to force EVERYONE to get health insureance from the governement. it's that the government will offer an alternative that people can choose if they wish.
from what I've heard germany's plan seems to work quite well - who knows, maybe it's JUST because they are german
my point about Al is that he is TALKING with people - not yelling at them. there's an attempt at communicating instead of bullying
he expects people to disagree here and there.
Why don't they address having ala carte insurance plans, like they do for autos?
Why don't they allow health insurance companies to offer services across state lines?
Why not make it "Mandatory" for an insurance company to sell one type of insurance in a state, they must offer all? Let the market decide what people will pay!!
Here in Fla, we are always being forced to find new insurance because we "might" be at risk for a hurricane. Yet these same companies want to sell all the profitable insurance with little risk.
The biggest questions they still don't address. How are they coming up wtih their 50 million person count of those without insurance?
25 % illegals?
25% of those that choose to take a risk rather than pay for the OFFERED insurance to them?
25% of those that operate illegally, and prolly get better health care than the rest of us?
By the way, ask any German how "free" their health care is!!!
How about get rid of the lobbyist that make the rules? Prosecute politicians on the take?
How bout American citizens quit relying on gov to be their fuckin guardian???
The way it is going, soon, more than 50% of our nation will rely on gov services to live!! When this happens, democracy will be gone, the majority will vote for being socialist handout recipients, that don't have to work, or care!!
Just what appears to be happening to me!!!Originally posted by SJnah milk's right.
Still doesn't address the real issues we have and how every single plan that has been proposed does nothin but expand those problems and solves none!!
My idea of reform is not going from owning a house to sleeping on the street and waiting for the gov to give me a rent check!!Originally posted by SJnah milk's right.
I know SOMETHING needs to be done.
My mom's boyfriend owns his own business. He is willing to pay, and can afford his own insurance...but they won't insure him because he's 55, and hasn't been insured for the past 8 years. He's in EXCELLENT shape, plays basketball with college kids ( and OWNS most of them), doesn't smoke, rarely drinks, and works HARD daily. WHY THE FUCK should he be denied, when LAZY FUCKS get covered for free?
And we don't need insurance reform? PLEASE! The current system is FUCKED!!
I pay $500.00 a month through my employer, and it doesn't cover wellness check ups and other doctors visits for my kids; but if you're on welfare, those doctor visits are free.
So if i quit my job, i can get better health coverage for my children? Even though i pay now?
SOMETHING definitely needs to be changed.Originally posted by FishMuskysFuck people...save the dogs first.
In my opinion there are 3 major things, that if changed in health care insurance, could greatly reduce costs and make it affordable for those who are willing to pay, not those that choose not to be covered even if they can be. Like a lot of 20-30 sumthins choose to do. I did when I was that age!! I was invincible!! lol
1. Allow insurance companies to combine and offer policies nationally. This would help in two ways. The first, it would bypass a lot of state laws like you have to be covered for everything or no coverage at all, which varies greatly from state to state. Pretty much creat a carte plans. Secondly, it would increase the "pool" size of each policy group within an insurance company. Which is my understanding of how they do it. IE, Singles with no dependents are in one pool, etc. The more in a pool the lower the cost should be for that pool.
2. Allow individuals to be able to create groups they can buy into from each carrier. Sumthin like, self employed contractors can form a group to buy insurance like large employers do. Again, the larger the pool of those willing to pay, the lower the cost
should be. Give these groups the same tax advantages that large corps have.This is
prolly the biggest reason why healtcare is so unaffordable to most self employed or
those not offered health insurance through work.
3. Somehow,without compromising the ideal of capitalism, regulate charges that hospitals
can charge. For instance, patient A goes to hospital for prcedure A and it costs $10000.
Patient B goes to same hospital for same procedure and it costs $18000. Why such a disparity? I understand the insurance companies negotiate to the lowest possibe price they can. But somehow here has to be a median that levels the playing field.
I'm no genius or industry expert, but these seem like comon sense things that can be addressed NOW in seperate small bills and isn't going to cost a trillion fuckin dollars to implement!!
Another big thing I think should be done is for our government to collect fees paid or illegals from their fuckin country. Or withhold this much in aid we give them!! Lord knows we give aid to everyone fuckin country on the planet!! Enough is enough!!
I sure don't get how they are going to "pay" for their plan "by cutting waste and reducing cost in medicaid/care" while at the same time "Expand" this bloated broken plan, and then "fine" insurers, device manfg., and those that choose not to buy their plan!!
How in the fuck does this work??
Now there are a lot of other things that can be fixed, no doubt. But does it have to be an all out wholesale gutwrench into the abyss, or can and should it not be done in pieces that will actually work and can be implemented very quickly?
Just some of me thoughts!!Originally posted by SJnah milk's right.
I wish drugs were not so overpriced : Baucus health bill. And frankly I wish people were not so dependent on drugs.
if you wish to be healthy - stay Healthy - ie, Prevention is the real key.
just a reminder as you are enjoying this day our govt is going to be passing the huge not needed govt intrusion health care bill we are fucked !!!! ............
soon they will have control of every aspect of your life... its in there oh yeah and your checking and savings accounts too ..................glad your feeling good !!!Try me
Does anyone else see an issue with this? The president is basically negotiating with private entities to discuss federal legislation. Does this not seem illegal if not downright blatant unethical???
This type of action by this admin is really getting absurd.
Originally posted by SJnah milk's right.
Originally posted by milkman View PostDoes anyone else see an issue with this? The president is basically negotiating with private entities to discuss federal legislation. Does this not seem illegal if not downright blatant unethical???
This type of action by this admin is really getting absurd.
he has accomplished his goals .Try me