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Obama loves Al Jazeera

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  • #16
    I know hard facts are a tough pill to swallow but i used to think the guy was a loon till i started checking his facts
    and he was dead on with his shit .Now i still check his facts as anyone should ,and all he is getting is more and more dead on
    with everything he says lately .... People call him all kinds of names yet they can never back up their words with facts
    ,just talking points and avoidance to the issues .But we were talking "dangers to the country " i think...and his name was brought up .
    Well here check this guy out for yourself get back to me who's a danger ..

    Glenn Beck is a leading American media personality, political commentator, author, and founder of TheBlaze.
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    • #17
      the major problem i have with Beck is the bible banging


      • #18
        Kali before hating S Walker, what is middle class in Wisconson? im guessing its around 40g a couple , most of the union memebers that are getting paid by these couples are making 80g themselfs with nice pentions


        • #19
          Originally posted by WadeJordan View Post
          the major problem i have with Beck is the bible banging
          I don't seem to let that bother me to much ...i'm an atheist my self ..
          And really he doesn't seem to preach as much as people led me to believe he did ..
          Like i said,i thought he was a loon till i looked at the facts and started connecting the dots
          Try me


          • #20
            if your a person with thought, Beck and Limbaugh(for the other side you can put in Jon Stewart} dont tell you what to think but give you the thought in your mind to look at things, unfortunatly most of their listeners are sheep that take the word as gospel

            all due their reserch,even with their slants, but if a person soes their own with the direction they give, you can see for the most part they are spot on


            • #21
              Do you guys think Alex Jones has any credibility? I don't listen to his show, but I've seen, heard, and listened to many youtube clips, and watched him on Jesse Ventura's show. I'm interested in a lot of shit he has to say. What say you?
              What the fuck, Nerdboy?


              • #22
                all i know about Alex Jones, Joe Rogan is a huge fan


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Steve44 View Post
                  Do you guys think Alex Jones has any credibility? I don't listen to his show, but I've seen, heard, and listened to many youtube clips, and watched him on Jesse Ventura's show. I'm interested in a lot of shit he has to say. What say you?
                  Yes , i think he is very dramatic ,but he's got some great stuff. Check out his site cool stuff there .

                  The #1 Independent news service in the world, battling globalism and promoting a pro-human future worldwide. Infowars is Tomorrow's News Today.
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                  • #24
                    Who is dangerous to this country,who is trying to bring it down from within ??
                    FBI raids socialists here for aiding terror groups ...oh imagine that they are big union people to..
                    Try me

