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My first one is this. Arizona passes a law to enforce the laws that are already in place for immigration.
It is the feds responsibility to carry out these laws, but they aren't doing it are they? NOPE!!
So Arizona passes a law that says we will basically enforce the federal law for you, and then turn the people over to you for processing.
Now the feds...this admin...are saying.."well maybe we won't do anything with the people that Arizona refers to them". WTF is that?
Our immigration problem is beyond out of control!!
Next one: Coming soon, to a country near you!! Global Taxation!! Yep!! They've been trying for yrs to do things like this, and they have failed. But the mere fact they are going to create a "think tank" for this is disturbing.
My first one is this. Arizona passes a law to enforce the laws that are already in place for immigration.
It is the feds responsibility to carry out these laws, but they aren't doing it are they? NOPE!!
So Arizona passes a law that says we will basically enforce the federal law for you, and then turn the people over to you for processing.
Now the feds...this admin...are saying.."well maybe we won't do anything with the people that Arizona refers to them". WTF is that?
Our immigration problem is beyond out of control!!
Funny i just watched a LIB say that she is all for border patrol(which is not just on the border Federal officers we have them in Fl) questioning someone for no reason except for the color of their skin (mexican)but that the Arizona law which gives people more protection than the Federal immigration law does is bad .... She seemed to have a problem getting that unless you are under arrest or in a car that has been stopped already for an infraction you wont be hassled :inoknow:
More genius from our great leaders!! The Dems used to dog the republicans for having "emergency" spendign bills to fund the wars in irag and Afghan. Always saying they were "hiding" the true cost from the taxpayers.
Well, well, well, after Obama promised to stop doing this, what do we have now?? Oh, and emergency spending bill!!
Ok, we can debate whether that is right or wrong. But since when does providing aid for another country become an emergency to us?? It is really getting old that they jsut add what they want to these "Emergency" bills because they don't face scrutiny. But his IMO is pathetic!!
"The bill includes money for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, aid for Haiti earthquake relief and money for flood relief in Rhode Island and Tennessee.
I just don't get how it can be against any rules/laws, any where in THIS country to fly OUR COUNTRY'S Flag, as long as it is flown as required!!
It should be illegal to fly any other countries flag except at places like embassies, business' etc.
If people are offended by OUR flag flying in OUR Country, then maybe they should leave!! This kind of stuff really pisses me off. People want to claim first amendment to be able to fly their Pakistani flag, or any country. Hell with them, go to Pakistan or where ever. Can you imagine trying to fly an American flag there?
Update on the above!! If people stick to their values, and others help, stupidity can sometimes be beaten!! In this case it was. now if only people started going the same to our elected officials on the stupid stuff they are doing.
The problem with this site is not enough people have enough want to engage in intelligent dialogue!! Whether we're intelligent or not, our voice should be heard!! But unfortunately, too many people are quiet until it's too late!!
I admire Americans patriotism, and the love of their Country. The pride you guys show just isn't the same here in Canada. Mind you, every time I go to the states, I'm reminded what you guys love. Cheap Beer. My Beer at half price, restaurants are cheaper, and all of y'all down south are the nicest people in the world.
Man, this pathetic woman is really what the crux of our nations problems are. To many people like this elected to our gov. So, by enforcing our laws on immigration, you are part of a white supremacist group? So our entire federal gov is then a white supremacist group, as the Az law is a mirror of it.
Just another way this administration is tilting laws, particularly the Heath Bill law, in the favor of liberal groups. WTF happened to equal treatment under laws? This new reg is completely unethical if not unlawful, particularly in favor of worthless unions.
"For the rule regarding whether people can keep their health plans – known as “grandfathering” in bureacratise – the Department of Health and Human Services ruled that for union-negotiated health plans, companies can change insurance providers but keep their essential plan details intact, or grandfathered. For non-union-negotiated plans, companies can’t change providers – they must stay with their same insurance provider."
So our own gov is going to file lawsuit against a state for enforcing the laws the feds are supposed to do!!
WTF!! " It is our job to enforce immigration, and we don't want to do it. How dare you try to trump us"
And another!! Florida decides to cleanup or manage this oil spill mess to protect itself, and this admin says well then pay for it yourself, or wait until we can do it. That may not be the exact sit, but that is what it is doing. Pathetic!!
AlabamaIt’s illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
AlaskaWhispering in someone’s ear while he’s moose hunting is prohibited.
ArizonaCutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term.
ArkansasIt’s illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas.
CaliforniaYou may not eat an orange in your bathtub.
ColoradoIt’s unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor (Denver).
ConnecticutA pickle cannot actually be a pickle unless it bounces.
DelawareIt’s illegal to get married on a dare.
Washington, D.C.It’s against the law to post a public notice calling someone a coward for refusing to accept a challenge to duel.
FloridaIf you tie an elephant to a parking meter, you must pay the same parking fee as you would for a vehicle.
It’s illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless you draw the shades first.
HawaiiAll residents may be fined for not owning a boat.
IdahoA man must not give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing fewer than fifty pounds.
IllinoisIt’s illegal to take a French poodle to the opera (Chicago).
IndianaThe value of pi is 4, and not 3.1415.
IowaOne-armed piano players must perform for free
KansasIt’s illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits (Natoma).
KentuckyEvery citizen is required to take a shower once a year.
LouisianaBiting someone with your natural teeth constitutes simple assault, but biting someone with your false teeth classifies as aggravated assault.
MaineIf you keep your Christmas decorations on display after January 14, you’ll be fined.
MarylandIt’s against the law to wash or scrub a sink, no matter how dirty it is (Baltimore).
MassachusettsNo gorilla is allowed in the backseat of any car.
MichiganA woman may not cut her own hair without her husband’s permission.
MinnesotaIt’s illegal to paint a sparrow with the intent of selling it as a parakeet (Harper Woods).
MississippiWalking a dog without dressing it in diapers is forbidden (Temperance).
MissouriChildren may buy shotguns in Kansas City, but not toy cap guns.
MontanaIt’s a felony for a wife to open her husband’s mail.
Bar owners may not sell beer unless they brew a kettle of soup simultaneously.
NevadaIt’s illegal for men with mustaches to kiss women.
New HampshireIt’s forbidden to sell the clothes you’re wearing to pay off a gambling debt.
New JerseyIt’s against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.
New MexicoFemales may not appear unshaven in public.
New YorkWhile riding in an elevator, you must talk to no one, fold your hands, and look toward the door.
North CarolinaIt’s against the law to sing off-key.
North Dakota
It’s illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
OhioYou must honk the horn whenever you pass another car, according to the state’s driver’s education manual.
OklahomaIt’s forbidden to take a bite out of another person’s hamburger.
OregonState law requires dishes to be drip-dried.
PennsylvaniaIt’s illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors
Rhode IslandYou may not bite off another person’s leg.
South CarolinaIf a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, he is required by law to keep his promise.
South DakotaIt is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
TennesseeSelling hollow logs is strictly forbidden.
TexasYou may not shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.
UtahIt is illegal not to drink milk.
VermontWomen must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.
Tickling a woman is unlawful.
WashingtonIt’s illegal to pretend that one’s parents are wealthy.
West VirginiaIf you make fun of someone who does not accept a challenge, you risk a six-month prison sentence.
Unless a customer specifically requests it, margarine may not be substituted for butter in a restaurant.
WyomingUnless you have an official permit, you may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April
Originally posted by Slack Jack
i love shoving cock in my ass as hard as i fucking can over and over then swallow the shit covered cum load