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What we are becoming

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  • What we are becoming

    While I think we should help those in need, it shouldn't be a way of life for generations.

    Many people like this think they are "owed" to have as many kids as they want and social services should pay. This is what our nation is leading to, and if it reaches a simple majority of people that feel this way, we are done.

    Key sentence:

    With measured indignation, Adams said somebody owes her

    Originally posted by SJ
    nah milk's right.

  • #2
    This may sound harsh but that is something that has been a problem for a while ...i call them project Brood mares and trailer park brood mares . The more they have the more they get from the state.feds
    never thinking that what you get is not enough ,yet the breeding goes on and the taxes will have to up to pay for it ...
    Try me


    • #3
      why don't they just offer to pay to tie tubes?

      no more baby money - if you can't finacially support the kid you're about to have - NO kids for you!

      ah - but that infringes as your rights I guess...




      • #4
        Originally posted by Silent Jesus View Post
        why don't they just offer to pay to tie tubes?

        no more baby money - if you can't finacially support the kid you're about to have - NO kids for you!

        ah - but that infringes as your rights I guess...


        ah - but that infringes as your rights I guess...
        Mine no ,but those brood mares i was speaking of will see things different
        cause they don't work nor want to work .Politicians know this and use it to buy votes so to speak with lies and other promises that they will never keep and the cycle goes on .

        i would gladly be for tying the tubes of those who just use the system and never try to pull themselves up....they think CHARITY is a RIGHT .
        So a shame it is ....
        no more baby money - if you can't finacially support the kid you're about to have - NO kids for you!
        in some states they will cut funding if you get your tubes tied Georgia i believe is one .
        they want to grow the govt with social programs ,and stupid voters who will vote for who ever lies the best ,which for minorities is the democrats.Who BTW has never done anything but stifle the progress ,if they were helping the whole time ,why is there so much left to do ?
        Still a shame
        Try me

