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Mysterious Stone Walls of New England

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  • Mysterious Stone Walls of New England

    The history, science and poetry of New England's stone walls

    The Geology of Colonial New England Stone Walls

    New England Stone Walls, An American Stonehenge
    Texas residential architect and interior designer Steve Chambers specializes in collaborative design, focusing on the dreams of his clients. His homes are a reflection of the personality of the owners, not a portrait of the architect.

    Stone Wall Initiative
    Large glacial erratics, such as the one below the tree, were too big to move from this scene in Sherman, CT. Here's a list of questions that people hav ...

    Make sure you are stoned when you read these.

  • #2
    Not Dead


    • #3
      Not Dead


      • #4
        The following news item is an example of under reporting that takes place when new information arises that doesn’t fit the existing paradigm. On December 18, 2002 the New York Times reported the following. “Scientists mapping the bottom of the Hudson River with sonar say that they have found nearly every single ship that ever foundered in the river over the last 400 years or more. The surveys have also turned up more mysterious structures, including a series of submerged walls more than 900 feet long that scientists say are clearly of human construction. They say the walls are probably 3000 years old because that was the last time the river’s water levels were low enough to have allowed construction on dry land. “I think there are going to be really significant findings”, said Warren Riess, a research associate professor of history and marine science at the University of Maine”. Or maybe there won’t be because no one will hear about this story again. This is how the information filter works, maybe something might rarely slip by once but never twice. Someone who posted a comment online after the article sums up my sentiments, “The heck with the ships, who was building 900 ft. long stone walls in the Northeast North America in 1000 B.C. or earlier”. Shouldn’t this report rewrite the history books, instead of getting scant attention and then disappearing?
        Not Dead

