Originally Posted by milkman
Well no offense, but soccer is pussification anyhow! My youngest son played once..and it was a mixed league. My ex wanted him to play and I was being made out as the bad unsupporting dad cuz I said it was pussy and he should be playing football. He ended up hating it and played football the next few yrs.
But it was the same, no score kept everyone's a winner bullshit! Fuck that..what is the fucking point? That doesn't teach any life lessons other than quitters and losers can win! Shit gets me sick!
I totally see your point, but I have 2 daughters (10&8) and I want them to be active and play sports, but there are only a few they can play (hell no to softball btw) they have both taken a real liking to soccer so I'm gonna support them 100% If they were boys, totally different story.