03-09-2015, 07:27 PM
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Worst Song Ever*
The 80s Hair Metal days were an interesting time. It seemed the faster your guitar player could "shred" and the closer to a dog whistle your singer could sound, the better. There has to be a cutoff point though. Enter NITRO. Singer Jim Gilette had a pitch perfect voice and there's a glass breaking at 3:14 just to prove it. Problem was, they over dubbed his vocals 3 or four times with these car horn sounding harmonies. "I **GUESS** he sings well, its really high pitched. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Exhibit B: Guitarist Michael Angelo (We'll assume that's not his REAL name) completely ambidextrous, Mike could play the guitar upside down, backwards and probably, I'm just guessing here, the traditional way as well. In all his years of practicing playing really fast, REALLY REALLY fast, Mikey overlooked the part where the guitar solo is supposed to SOUND LIKE ITS A PART OF THE SONG. IT seriously sounds like it was just added in out of nowhere. Same key? Same time signature? Who cares?? ITS FAST!!! and look he's playing it backwards!! Yawn. That guitar was eventually stolen. Apparently there's TWO people who have use for such a useless instrument. Also. The singer's ,hair.