instead of filling the slacker thread, im bringing it here
how much of this do you guys believe?
i think he is right but the results would be different
take Wheat use to be one of biggest exports, not so much anymore, we hardly export anything
but if a finiacial collasp would happen, it would in the nong run make American dollar stronger. China is dumping its Dollars to these podunk countries. America is giving these podunk countries dollars. If the dollar would just drop, these little countries would burn all the Dollars they have, and also nolonger listen to use and start some pretty good wars. If the go the route of China being the big bank now, how long could China hold these countries at bay? Meanwhile in the USA we would be hopefully Overthrowing our own Goverment, bringing it back to the people. granted it would be a blood bath, that would last 5 to 10 years, Canada and Mexico would be closing boarders. oh it would be great.
All and all im glad other countries are taking a shit on our goverment, maybe they will realize and pull the nose up before all the shit hits the fan. i got more points of view, ill add later