Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Basic Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:haha: | Ha Ha | |
:woot: | Woot | |
:rolleyes: | Rolleyes | |
:munch: | munch | |
:tin: | tin | |
:lowrider: | Low Rider | |
:getsome: | Get Some | |
;D | Crown Smile | |
:smug: | Smug | |
:bow: | Bow | |
:D | Grin | |
:whistle: | whistles | |
:wave2: | Wave2 | |
:bigclap: | Big Clap | |
:nuts: | nuts | |
:bigthink: | Big think | |
:jj: | Jackie Jokeman | |
:brofist: | Brofist | |
:bigcry: | Big Cry | |
:happydance: | Happydance | |
:pray: | Pray | |
:hump: | Hump | |
Bubba Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:ned: | Ned | |
:tuddlelol: | tuddlelol | |
:lol: | Bubba Laugh | |
:denzil: | Denzil Wave | |
:ahha: | ahha | |
:classybubba: | classybubba | |
:tuddlewiggle: | tuddlewiggle | |
:bubbamari: | bubbamari | |
:colinlite: | colinlite | |
:brenttears: | Brent Tears | |
:colin: | colin | |
:bubbadance: | Bubbadance | |
:mansonlol: | mansonlol | |
:bubbana: | bubbana | |
:retromanson: | Retro Manson | |
:howboutthat: | howboutthat | |
:25cent: | 25cent | |
:brentrock: | brentrock | |
no homo | no homo | |
:sexyparty: | sexyparty | |
:guitarbrent: | guitarbrent | |
:shutuptara: | shutuptera | |
:liar: | liar | |
:guitarbrent2: | guitarbrent2 | |
:flyingbrent: | flyingbrent | |
:brentstare: | Brent Stare | |
:pimpbubba: | Pimp Bubba | |
:spice: | Spice | |
:nedshake: | nedshake | |
:manson: | Manson | |
:brett: | brett | |
:foleypunch: | Foley Punch | |
:flag: | Bubbaflag | |
:burke: | burke | |
:jiggledance: | jiggledance | |
:brent: | Brent | |
:ober: | Ober | |
Custom Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:splat: | splat | |
:notahomo: | not a homo | |
:inthebutt: | in the butt | |
hahaha | hahaha | |
:penis: | Penis | |
:????: | ? | |
:Michael Jackson: | MJ | |
:rattler: | Rattler | |
:v8: | V8 | |
:kiss2: | kiss | |
:trollface: | trollface | |
:pir: | PIR | |
:truestory: | true story | |
:king: | The King | |
:jimmah: | jimmah | |
:sloth: | Sloth | |
:hahahat: | hahaha | |
:money: | money | |
:award: | award | |
:shit: | Shiz | |
:crown6: | crown6 | |
:mrsparkle: | Mr sparkle | |
:sicky: | Sicky | |
:batmanogod: | batmanogod | |
:pissed: | realmad | |
:runner: | Runner | |
:sure: | sure | |
:cookiecrumble: | Cookie Crumble | |
:filemove: | file move | |
:sars: | SARS | |
:ohyeah: | oh yeah | |
:stooge: | Stooges | |
:ringu: | ringu | |
:menoki: | menoki | |
:bluesbros: | bluesbros | |
:naptime: | Naptime | |
:crying: | cry | |
:r2d2: | r2d2 | |
:racecar: | racecar | |
:tophat: | Top Hat | |
:shitstirrer: | shitstirrer | |
:Obama | obamasuck | |
:rainbow: | Rainbow | |
:idol: | Idol | |
:wave: | wave1 | |
:rofldata: | rofldata | |
:wurd: | Wurd | |
:Geo: | geo | |
:SJ: | SJTucker | |
:beavis: | beavis | |
:deadhorse: | Dead Horse | |
:hates: | hatesmall | |
:sharkattack: | Shark Attack | |
:retardbus: | retardbus | |
:winrar: | Winrar | |
:jack1: | Jack1 | |
:palpatine: | Palpatine | |
:feminist: | Feminist | |
:anigirl: | anime1 | |
:flame: | flame | |
:snowday: | snowday | |
:heart2: | Heart | |
:bye: | Bye | |
:elmo: | Elmo | |
:lesy: | lesbo | |
:trap: | it's a trap | |
:turtledance: | Turtledance | |
:foshizzle: | Fo Shizzle | |
:gaga: | gaga | |
:rocknroll: | RocknRoll | |
:ill: | ill | |
:blush: | Blush | |
:waaa: | waaa | |
:carve: | Carve | |
:wallbasher3: | wallbasher3 | |
:hoorayboobs: | hoorayboobs | |
:pedobear: | Pedobear | |
:troll: | Troll | |
:albundy: | albundy | |
:eyes: | eyes | |
:dutchoven: | Dutchoven | |
:asshole: | Asshole | |
:hk2: | HK2 | |
:HK: | Hello Kitty | |
:RAGE: | Rage | |
:nitenite: | Nite Nite | |
:delorean: | Delorean | |
:fuck: | bowwow | |
:accepted: | accepted | |
:cleanup: | cleanup | |
:idunno: | I dunno | |
:rain: | Rain | |
:argh: | Argh | |
:kruug: | kruger | |
:jesus: | jesus | |
:luv: | Love | |
:snowplow: | snowplow | |
:sweetdreams: | sweet dreams | |
:quagmire: | giggitygiggity | |
:evilbanana: | Evil banana | |
:bomb: | bomb | |
:canada: | canada | |
:salsashark: | SalsaShark | |
:bounce: | bounce drone | |
:dnce: | dance party | |
:relax: | relax | |
:pumpkin: | pumpkin | |
:congrats: | Congrats | |
:heart: | Heart | |
:music: | music | |
:getchu: | chase | |
:frenchie: | Frenchie | |
OMG | OMG | |
:grab: | grabber | |
:ringu2: | ringu2 | |
:cookie: | cookie | |
:tmyk: | TMYK | |
OBAMA: | obummer | |
Dancing | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:dancefoo: | Mr T | |
:milkdance5: | milkdance5 | |
:milkdance2: | milkdance2 | |
:moshpit: | Moshpit | |
:partyhard: | Party Hard | |
:pdance: | pdance | |
:shuffle: | StewieShuffle | |
:madonna: | Madonna | |
:milkdance4: | milkdance4 | |
:wbdance: | wbdance | |
:harleydance: | Harley Dance | |
:patrickdance: | patrickdance | |
:milkdance: | Milkdance | |
:rave2: | Rave | |
:assslap: | assslap | |
:buggaloo: | buggaloo | |
:robotdance: | robotdance | |
:trooperrock: | Trooper Rock | |
:groovy: | groovy | |
:milkdance3: | milkdance3 | |
:gizmo: | gizmo | |
Guns | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:flamethrower: | flamethrower | |
:mounted: | mounted | |
:sheitz: | sheitz | |
:ar: | Assault Rifle | |
:sniper: | Sniper | |
:samurai: | samurai | |
:shoot: | shoot | |
:uzi: | Uzi | |
:slapback: | slapback | |
:firepower: | firepower | |
:diediedie: | diediedie | |
:van: | Van | |
:canon: | canon | |
:gun: | gun | |
:iolazer: | iolaser | |
:click: | click | |
:ar2: | Assault Rifle 2 | |
:lazer: | bluelaser | |
:tank: | Tank | |
:confrontation: | confrontation | |
:oneshot: | one shot | |
:gattlinggun: | Gattling Gun | |
:guns: | Guns | |
:pirate: | Pirate | |
Munch | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:munch4: | munch | |
:munch3: | Munch 3 | |
:jokermunch: | JokerMunch | |
:munchbag: | munchbag | |
:kongturkey: | Kong Turkey | |
:cmunch: | Cartmanmunch | |
:blowme: | BananaBlow | |
:hmunch: | hmunch | |
:spongemunch: | spongemunch | |
Random | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:abandon: | Abandon Thread | |
:teehee: | teehee | |
:ohwow: | ohwow | |
:grouplaugh: | grouplaugh | |
:congrats2: | congrats | |
:silly: | Silly | |
Communism | Communism | |
:gators: | Gators | |
:rumpshaker: | rumpshaker | |
:lighning: | lightning | |
:grammertime: | Grammer Time | |
:rocketsauce: | rocketsauce | |
:2star: | 2star | |
:whipped: | whipped | |
:bunny2: | Bunny | |
:EYE: | omgeye | |
:vomit: | vomit | |
:lolwut: | lolwhut | |
:meh: | meh | |
:fuckme: | bunnyfucker | |
:bombed: | bombed | |
:lovelyday: | lovelyday | |
:facepalm: | facepalm | |
:billymays: | Billy Mays | |
:zipit: | zipit | |
:Party: | Party | |
:sci-fi: | sci-fi | |
:takethat: | Take That | |
:crunk: | Crunk | |
:bender: | Bender | |
:milk: | Milk | |
:walkingincircles: | Circles | |
:bob: | bob | |
:durr: | durr | |
:lazyfucks: | lazyfucks | |
:cockblast: | cockblast | |
slimed | I don't Know | |
:snoogans: | snoogans | |
:fret: | Fret | |
:felix: | Felix | |
:elvira: | Elvira | |
:heart4: | heart | |
:monocle: | monocle | |
:noyes: | noyes | |
:#1: | finger1 | |
:gremlin: | Gremlin | |
:applause: | Applause | |
:idea: | idea | |
:kill: | killkill | |
:diabeetus: | Diabeetus | |
:holdit: | Hold It | |
:coffington: | coffington | |
:notfucking: | not fucking | |
:ponydunno: | idunno | |
:blowme2: | Blowme2 | |
:sb: | Ksmith | |
:bromance: | Bromance | |
:derreloaded( | derRELOAD | |
:srsly: | srsly | |
:squeeze: | titsqueeze | |
:slapdance: | slapdance | |
:chewie: | Chewie | |
Signs | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:0: | 00 | |
World cup | corngay | |
:shutupmilk: | shutupmilk | |
:milkstinyweiner: | milkstinyweiner | |
:pity | pity | |
:1: | 1 | |
:2: | 2 | |
:3: | 3 | |
:4: | 4 | |
:5: | 5 | |
:6: | 6 | |
:7: | 7 | |
:8: | 8 | |
:9: | 9 | |
:bullshits: | Bullshits | |
:greatbighug: | Great Big Hug | |
wow | wow | |
:milktranny: | Milk Tranny | |
:wgaf: | WGAF | |
:troof: | troof | |
:huh: | huh | |
:pity: | Pity The Foo | |
:onlyjoking: | Only Joking | |
:haveagoodnight: | Have A Good Night | |
:tits: | Tits | |
:boo: | Boo! | |
:dito: | dito | |
:feelingblah: | Feeling Blah | |
:smileywhore: | smileywhore | |
:wasntme: | wasn't me | |
:ineeddrugs: | I need Drugs | |
:pfff: | pfff | |
:shithappens: | Shit Happens | |
:beware: | Beware | |
:thanks: | Thank You | |
:funnyshit: | FunnyShit | |
:ohsnap: | oh snap | |
:break: | I Need A Break | |
:hanktranny: | Hank Loves Trannies | |
:hitit: | hitit | |
:gangsallhere: | Gangs All Here | |
:pjizz: | jizpiz | |
:umad: | umad | |
:jerry: | Jerry | |
Site Related | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:vrlive: | vr is live | |
:momlol: | 1csmom | |
:dancingmilk: | dancingmilk | |
:1cwiggle: | 1cwiggle | |
:milktalk: | milktalk | |
hella gay | hella gay | |
Standard | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:bongroll: | bongroller | |
:muffin: | Muffin | |
:idea2: | idear | |
:sadpace: | sad pace | |
:hyper: | Hyper | |
:pointlaugh: | point n laugh | |
:pot: | Pot | |
O_O | Shock | |
:cheers: | Cheers | |
:munch2: | muncher | |
:thud | thud | |
:doit: | doit | |
:zomb: | Zombie | |
:grintoof: | biggrin | |
:crazygirl: | Ucrazygurl | |
(atm: | atm1 | |
:neenerneener: | neener neener | |
Tucker Carlson | tucker | |
:wave3: | wave | |
:hurl1: | puke1 | |
bye | Bye | |
:mflame: | madflame | |
:whip: | whip | |
:bmp: | bump | |
:hammer: | hammerhead | |
:eekwiggle: | eekwiggle | |
:sundwn: | sundown | |
:smackself: | Smack | |
:eyebrows: | Eyebrows | |
:spit: | Spit | |
:crylol: | crylol | |
:awe: | Awesome | |
:squirt: | squirt | |
:eek: | EEK! | |
:fart: | Fart | |
:ninja: | Ninja | |
:holla: | holla | |
:ninjaedit: | ninjaedit | |
:hide: | hide | |
:sneaky: | Sneaky | |
:iocrunks: | in out | |
:beer: | beer | |
:creeper: | creeper | |
:buzz: | Buzz | |
:slapnuts: | punchballs | |
:terrific: | terrific | |
:laughdance: | Laughdance | |
:eekfaint: | faint | |
:sofa: | Sofa | |
:WTF: | WTF1 | |
:race: | race | |
:happydance2: | happydance | |
:munch42: | munch42 | |
:Greenstien: | sneer | |
:hcs: | hotcarlsplat | |
:io: | In/Out | |
:wicked: | wicked | |
:rollgrin: | grinsmiley | |
:) | Smile | |
:roflwtf: | ROFLWTF | |
:fart2: | farting | |
:bang: | Bang | |
:$ | Blush | |
:gtfoslap: | GTFO Slap | |
:niptweak: | nippletweak | |
:rastabanana: | Rasta Banana | |
^_^ | Weeaboo | |
:party: | Party | |
:roll: | Roll | |
:rofl: | rofl | |
:dry: | Dry | |
:lolnaughty: | lol naughty | |
:Benny: | benny | |
:turborun: | turborun | |
:jawdrop: | jawdrop | |
:upyours: | upyours | |
:munch41: | Munch41 | |
:hehehe: | hehehe | |
:orly2: | orlyanim | |
gnite: | goodnite | |
:hyperactive: | hyper | |
:shootme: | shootme | |
:bbs: | bananabsecks | |
;)) | ;)) | |
:please: | Please | |
:faint: | faint | |
:cool: | Cool | |
:idk: | IDK | |
:( | Frown | |
:beer2: | beers | |
:razz: | Razz | |
:fap: | fapfapfap | |
:cry: | cry | |
:phag: | gay | |
j/k | j/k | |
:bolt: | bolt | |
;;) | Flutter | |
:shizstrm: | shitstorm | |
:drinkup: | drinkup | |
:fucku: | Fucku | |
:wallbash: | wallbash | |
:toot: | Toot | |
:madder: | MADR | |
:cockblocked: | cockblocked | |
tucker carlson | :tucker carlson: | |
:jimi: | Jimi | |
:crazy: | crazy | |
:bowpuke | bowpuke | |
:canflag2: | canfalg2 | |
:asslicker: | asslicker | |
:swing: | Swing | |
:makeout: | Cuddle | |
:spliff: | Spliff | |
:bouncy: | bouncy1 | |
:jab: | jabb | |
:werdrun: | werd run | |
:spanking: | spanking | |
:grin: | Grin | |
:spock: | SpockJerk | |
:devil: | Devil | |
:bonghit: | bonghits | |
:crazypilot: | crazypilot | |
:mad: | Mad | |
:| | Meh | |
:vision: | Drinky Vision | |
:dance: | Dance | |
:ninjapirate: | ninja pirate | |
:rimshot: | Rimshot | |
:angel: | Angel | |
:wub: | WUB | |
:fog: | f.o.g | |
:lolly: | lol | |
:drool: | Drool | |
:chase: | chase | |
:kickingstones: | kicking stones | |
:yawn: | Yawn | |
:cockcopter: | cockcopter | |
:anal: | but sex | |
:wave4: | wave | |
:devious: | Devious | |
:disco: | disco | |
:420ies: | 420eyes | |
:fire: | fire | |
:domo: | dancing domo | |
:hammerhead: | hammerhead | |
:wrap: | awrap | |
:rolleyehand: | RolleyeHand | |
:brb: | beback | |
:explode: | explode | |
:hotinhere: | It's Gettin Hot in Here | |
:nonono: | no no no | |
:rolleyes3: | Rolleyes 3 | |
:spooge | spooger | |
:dump: | Dump | |
:Sr3: | Sr3 | |
:eekjerk: | Eek Jerk | |
:twisted: | Twisted | |
:makeitrain: | Make it rain | |
:photo: | Photo | |
:cokehead: | Cokehead | |
:lighter: | Lighter | |
:wave5: | wave | |
:kiss: | Kiss | |
:flippa: | fu2 | |
:tap: | tap | |
Tucker | Tucker | |
:rockout: | Rock out | |
:chair: | Chairshot | |
:madfap: | madjerkit | |
:drinkintime: | drinkin time | |
:aw: | attentiowhore | |
:pointnlaugh: | Pointnlaugh | |
:weeee: | Fly Away | |
:bowdown: | bowdown | |
:suicide: | suicide | |
:colbert: | Colbert | |
:zrolleyes: | zombie rolleyes | |
:love: | Love | |
:shocking: | shocking | |
:oops: | Oops | |
:420wave: | 420wave | |
:bigboss: | Big Boss | |
:bighug: | Big Hug | |
:BJ: | blizjiz | |
:drag: | Drag | |
:fu: | FU1 | |
:rollpuke: | roflpuke | |
:vidya: | vidya | |
:hooked: | hooked | |
:notworthy: | Not Worthy | |
:catfight: | Catfight | |
:slurp: | cocksucker | |
:huh?: | Huh? | |
:zzzz: | zzzz | |
:boobs: | boobs1 | |
:crackedout: | cracked out | |
:zapr: | zap | |
:bttshake: | butshaker1 | |
:shifty: | Shifty | |
:guitaro: | guitaro | |
:biggrin: | Big Grin | |
:giggity: | Giggity | |
:wood: | errection | |
:canflag: | Canflag | |
:nova: | nova | |
o_O | WTF | |
:g'day: | G'day | |
:shitbricks: | Shitbricks | |
:slut: | slut | |
:heelclick: | heelclick | |
:ike: | Ike | |
:eekspin: | eekspin | |
:chill: | Chill | |
:hw: | Happy Wave | |
:boink: | 44 | |
(*) | star | |
:mrgreen: | Mr. Green | |
^5 | Highfive | |
:veggtoss: | rottentomatoe | |
:meth: | Meth | |
:moon: | Moon | |
:clan: | clan | |
:roflshame: | roflshame | |
:soulja: | Soulja Dance | |
:throwfist: | boxingsmiley | |
:hmmm: | hmmm | |
:backpedal: | backpedal | |
:sos: | sos | |
Vidya Game | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:link: | Link | |
:thorfan: | thor fan | |
:wakkowave: | wakkowave | |
:punch: | punch | |
:waving: | Wave2 | |
:chuckle: | chuckle | |
:joystick: | Joystick | |
:challenger: | Challenger | |
:yakkolove: | yakkolove | |
:blanka2: | Blanka | |
:brick: | blockbrick | |
:dizzy: | dizzy | |
:mario: | Mario | |
:wakkodance: | wakkodance | |
:objection: | Objection | |
:zombie: | Zombie | |
:mariofacepalm: | mariofacepalm | |
:drinker: | VG1 | |
:masterchief: | MasterChief | |
:rideit: | Ride It | |
:kenwtf: | kenwtf | |
:cidwave: | Cid Wave | |
:triforce: | LinkTriforce | |
:dotwave: | dotwave | |
:hulkrage: | hulkrage | |
:headbutt: | headbutt | |
:ring: | Ring | |
:yoshi: | Yoshi | |
:?: | CoinBrick | |
:fireball: | Ryu Charge | |
:wakkowalk: | wakkowalk | |
:??: | questionblock | |
:mmusic: | Mario Music | |
:dispel: | Dispel | |
:sonic: | Sonic | |
:mario2: | Mariohead | |
:100%: | Power100% | |
tentacle | tentacle | |
:VS: | VS | |
:blanka: | Blanka | |
:shaokahn: | Shao Kahn | |
:wario: | wario | |
:kefka: | Kefka | |
:yakkowalk: | yakkowalk | |
:violentken: | violentken | |
:shermie: | Shermie | |
:dk: | DK | |
:dotwalk: | dotwalk | |
:coin: | coin | |
:pipe: | pipe | |
:magickoopa: | Magic Koopa | |
:perfect: | Perfect | |
:Triforce: | triforce | |
:mariobanana: | MarioBanana | |
:wakkolove: | wakkolove | |
:finishhim: | finish him | |
:crystal: | crystal | |
:musicblock: | musicblock | |
:surprisebuttsecks: | surprisebuttsecks | |
:koopa: | Koopa | |
:peach: | Peach | |
:pac: | Pacman | |
:rydia: | Rydia | |
:ragin: | VG2 | |
:thor: | thor | |
:ryu: | ryu | |
:alyuken: | alyuken | |
:zoinks: | zoinks | |
:sonichump: | sonichump | |
:knuckles: | Knuckles | |
:greycrown: | greycrown | |
:perfectwario: | perfectwario | |
:blackbirdo: | blackbirdo | |
:tails: | Tails | |
:yakkowave: | yakkowave | |
Big | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:objection2: | Big Objection | |
:scissor: | scissor | |
:supnigga: | Sup Nigga | |
:werd: | Werd | |
:bubbatap: | bubbatap | |
:cheerupemo: | Emo | |
:doomcoffee: | doomcoffee | |
:sal: | SalG | |
:hugegrin: | Huge Grin | |
:rock: | RockOut2 | |
:tucker: | tucker | |
:honest: | Honest | |
:shittythread: | Your Thread Sucks | |
:twerk: | twerk | |
:banned2: | Banned2 | |
:doublepost: | Double Post | |
:munchcouch: | munchcouch | |
:wackoff: | Jerkit | |
:smrk: | sureyes | |
:Obummer | jokerapology | |
:benderchap: | benderchap | |
:jazz: | jazz | |
:thumbsup2: | thumbsup2 | |
:ding: | DingDing | |
:bomber: | Bomber | |
:FAG: | Takai | |
:ultimatefuckyou: | ultimatefuckyou | |
:rout: | RockOut | |
d-bagistan | douchbagistan | |
:fail: | You Fail | |
:dumbbroad: | dumbbroad | |
:jizz: | jizz | |
:atm: | ATM | |
:blol: | biglol | |
:cowabunga: | Cowabunga | |
:!!1!: | Awesome!!1! | |
:tenay: | Tenay | |
:glgun: | GL Gun | |
:pwned1: | Pwned1 | |
:legdrop: | Legdrop | |
:sideways: | sideways | |
wordfilter | OMG | |
:slowclap: | slowclap | |
:fisther: | Fist Her | |
:shock: | Shock | |
:kurt: | Kurt | |
:ittbutthurt: | ITT Butthurt | |
:100: | $100 | |
:shots: | Shots | |
:rib: | It's a Rib | |
Sins Smileys | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:drewshake: | Drew Shake | |
:tight: | Macho Laugh | |
:bane: | bane | |
:murda: | murda | |
:braff: | braff | |
:braffwave: | braffwave | |
:milkcheers: | milkcheers | |
:tafferlaugh: | tafferlaugh | |
:spicelol: | spicelol | |
:banewave: | banewave | |
:proclaim: | proclaim | |
broncos | broncos | |
:shutitdown: | shutitdown | |
:jaredlol: | jaredlol | |
Anime | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:nyan: | nyan | |
:headtoss: | Head Toss | |
:armdance2: | Armdance | |
:Iloveit: | I love it | |
:tease: | Tease | |
:danceparty: | DanceParty | |
:finger: | Finger | |
:bunny: | BunnyHunny | |
:hentai2: | hentai2 | |
:rave: | Rave On | |
:doubleshake: | doubleshake | |
:huah: | huah | |
:lawl: | lawl | |
:batman: | Godamn Batman | |
:armdance: | Armdance | |
:bopbop: | bop bop | |
:awedance2: | Awedance2 | |
:titbite: | tit bite | |
:balls: | Balls | |
:pwnd: | pwnd | |
:shakeit: | Shakeit | |
:walkoff: | walkoff | |
:rubit: | rubit | |
:hentai: | hentai | |
:assshaker: | Ass shaker | |
:goofy: | goofy | |
:LOL: | lol | |
:awedance: | Awedance | |
:rub: | rub | |
:titcannon: | titcannon | |
:tentacle: | Tentacle | |
:flash: | Flash | |
GIF II | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:trollin: | trollin | |
:ultragay: | ultragay | |
:checkum: | checkum | |
:worfpalm: | worfpalm | |
:lolno: | lolno | |
:howdy: | howdy | |
:uppercut: | upcut | |
:boom: | boom | |
:run: | run | |
:burial: | Burial | |
:thumbsup: | thumbsup | |
:plantkick: | Plantkick | |
:lolfut: | lolfut | |
:doublebang: | doublebang | |
:kickit: | kickit | |
:ltrcola: | ltrcola | |
:imout: | I'm out! | |
:jackoff: | Jackoff | |
:ohmy: | ohmy | |
:ponder: | ponder | |
:gtfo: | GTFO | |
:smithers: | smithers | |
:hano: | hahahano | |
:fttio: | fttio | |
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:dumb: | Dumb | |
:ultimatewarrior: | ultimatewarrior | |
:vincelaugh: | vincelaugh | |
:tacothumbs: | tacothumbs | |
:snowball: | snowball | |
:fuckyourshit: | fuckyourshit | |
:FUCKYOU: | fuckyou | |
:dangit: | dangit | |
:goodone: | goodone | |
:pos: | Pillman POS | |
:conversationover: | conversationover | |
:fastclap: | fastclap | |
:althumbs: | althumbs | |
:shutyourmouth: | shutyourmouth | |
:punklook: | punklook | |
:thumbsup4: | thumbsup4 | |
:no: | no | |
:takemymoney: | takemymoney | |
:usa: | :usa: | |
:aroma: | aroma | |
:didn'tread: | didn't read lol | |
:jerkoff: | jerkoff | |
:hank: | hank | |
:facepalmprof: | facepalmprof | |
:stareatmycock: | stare | |
:fuckingthreadsucks: | fuckingthreadsucks | |
:rockyno: | rockyno | |
:thumbsup3: | thumbsup3 | |
:shutup: | shutup | |
:fuckallofyou: | fuckallofyou | |
:thereyougo: | thereyougo | |
:kanye: | kanye | |
:shekels: | shekels | |
:colinstare: | colinstare | |
:magic: | magic | |
:brokenthumbs: | brokenthumbs | |
:krilin: | krilin | |
:snow: | snow | |
:rekt: | #rekt | |
:hotnews: | Hot News | |
:wack: | Wack | |
:deanpalm: | Dean Facepalm | |
:dariowtf: | Dario WTF | |
GIF | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:owned: | Owned | |
:fabulous: | fabulous | |
:george: | oh my | |
:foleythumb: | Foley Thumb | |
:watermelon: | melon | |
:ORLY?: | O RLY? | |
:bwahaha: | bwahaha | |
:bullshit: | bullshit | |
:internetfight: | internet fight | |
:ban: | Ban | |
:surprise!: | Surprise! | |
:jl2: | Jackie Laugh 2 | |
:daffney: | daffney | |
:shocker: | shocked | |
:chairwhack: | chair smash | |
:boring: | Boring | |
:drugs: | Drugs | |
:politics: | politics | |
:florida: | Florida | |
:hulkout: | Hulkout | |
:alice: | alice | |
:facepalm2: | facepalm2 | |
:srysd: | srys'd | |
:wtf: | WTF? | |
:ftt: | Fuck This Thread | |
:pills: | Pills | |
:jrrolleyes: | JR Rolleyes | |
:metal: | Metal | |
:pwned2: | Pwned2 | |
:stormtrooper: | stormtrooper | |
:jl: | Jackie Laigh | |
:praise: | praise | |
:thatsracist: | That's Racist | |
:coolio: | Coolio | |
:boner: | badgerboner | |
:uhwtf: | uhwtf | |
:shocked: | Shocked | |
:bitchplease: | bitchplease | |
:lolwtf: | lolwtf | |
:wooo: | Flait wooo | |
:vin: | vin |